Great Cheese Starts with quality milk


About Voegeli Farm

Voegeli Farms

Two words that describe Voegeli Farms: Brown Swiss. That’s the first thing you see when you pull into Voegeli’s Farm and it will be one thing you’ll remember after you leave. Located in Monticello, Wisconsin, Voegeli Farms milks 250 registered Brown Swiss and run 1300 acres. The farm started back in 1854 when The Voegeli ancestors emigrated from Switzerland and settled in the area.


B&C Bauman Dairy

Nestled in southern Green County Wisconsin is B&C Bauman Dairy. Brian and Carolyn Bauman own and operate the farm along with their two grown sons Brandon and Bryan and their wives. B&C Bauman Dairy was established in 1997 after Brian farmed with his Uncle.


Sunset Ridge Dairy

Duane (Dewey) started farming in 1979.  In 1983 Duane (Dewey) and Jeanne were married, that’s when Jeanne came into the operation, starting a family shortly afterwards. Their children were very important parts of the operation.  Jenna – Jodi – Jessie – David.


Walnut Crest Farm

Jim & Becky Beutel, along with their children Jack and Emma are owners of  Walnut Crest Farm.  They milk registered Brown Swiss, registered Holsteins…


Riedland Farms

Riedland Farms is owned and operated by Dan and Angie Rieder. The farm is just on the outskirts of Monroe, Wisconsin. The couple has six wonderful children; Nick, Kris, Jade, Alexa, Kaiden, and Kailey. They added two Lely Robotic milkers to their farm. Now the robots milk their 130 registered Holstein and Brown Swiss cows. The family stays busy between running the kids everywhere and doing the farm chores. Angie is not only in charge of keeping track of their kids, but she is also in charge of keeping track of the books on the farm. Nick, the oldest has the responsibility of mixing feed for the cows and the younger siblings feed the calves. You can usually find Dan busy in the free-stall caring for his cattle or out in the fields. When asked how long Riedland has been working with Chalet, Dan said that his grandfather shipped his milk to Chalet. That’s three generation of farmers! 

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